Home Equipment Service
Service and repair for all of your outdoor equipment
I can care for all your outdoor power equipment needs!
Is your mower giving you ‘hacked lawn’ instead of ‘happy lawn’? Tired of pulling a muscle every time you pull start your Rototiller? Find yourself with a really heavy snow ‘pusher’ instead of a snow ‘blower’?
When your most used outdoor tools need an attitude adjustment, call me. I can help.
Over 18+ years, I’ve serviced and repaired all major makes and models of mowers, snow blowers and home outdoor equipment. That means I know all the little quirks to check to save you time and money. New equipment can be expensive.
If it doesn't mow, blow, cut, turn or wash like its supposed to, I can fix it.
If you’re in need of routine equipment maintenance and repair to prep for a new season, after-season maintenance so your machine can hibernate happily, or need a quick repair to get through the rest of your project, I can help.
To schedule a service, we have a convenient online form.
Prefer the personal touch? Click the chat bubble in the lower right corner to text, call or message from your favorite app.
See some of the services I offer below.

Equipment Repair & Services
- Change the oil
- Check coolant and cooling system
- Test and service hydraulic system
- Changing the spark plugs (gas)
- Inspect tires / tracks for wear or damage
- Check and adjust drive system
- Replacing the air filter/fuel filter
- Deck scraping and general cleaning on unit
- Check battery and charging system
- Level and inspect deck
- Check/inspect/adjust all cables
- Inspect bearings, pulleys, spindles and blades
- Sharpen and balance blades
- Test PTO system
- Test or service starting system

Handheld / 2 Cycle Repair & Service
- Clean or replace air filter
- Replace spark plug
- Check fuel lines & filter
- Adjust carburetor
- Check safety brake
- Dress bar, clean & grease
- Sharpen chain
- Clean & test
- Grease gearbox (if applicable)
- Make sure head works

Snow Blower Repair and Service
- Oil Change
- Engine tune up
- Check/adjust tire pressure
- Change spark plug
- Check air/oil filters
- Inspect block
- Check recoil and electric starting features
- Inspect and adjust all belts
- Check drive system adjustment
- Check drive/auger engagement cables and adjust
- Set and adjust skid shoes and scraper bar
- Grease and lube bearings and pulleys

Snowplow Repair & Service
- Flush and fill hydro oil
- Test and service hydraulic system
- Inspect hydraulic lines for cracks and wear
- Inspect ram fittings and seals for leaks
- Adjust or replace cutting edge, as needed
- Clean and inspect electrical connection / pins on plow harness, new dielectric grease
- Paint and anti-corrosion options available